Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Wound Debridement

Wound debridement is the removal of unhealthy tissue from a wound in order to promote the healing process. Why undergo wound debridement? The benefits of wound debridement include: Aiding in the healing of very severe burns or pressure so...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Facts About Chemical Peels

The results of a chemical peel partly depend on its depth, on the type of chemical used, and the duration of its application on the skin. Dermatologists and patients should then thoroughly discuss the expected results of your scheduled chemical pee...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Diabetes and Preventing Wounds

Wound healing below the knee requires extensive and complex treatment when compared to other parts of the body. Areas below the knee are prone to swelling and difficulties with immobility. Individuals with diabetes are particularly more prone to de...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

How to Recognize Rib Fractures

Things to Know about Rib Fractures While ribs are relatively resistant to injuries, accidents do happen and bones can be broken, especially in individuals with illnesses that make their bones weaker (e.g., cancer, osteoporosis). Common causes of...
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