Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Victory Over Vaginal Cancer

Cancer - or the Big C - is a dreaded diagnosis among women because of the implications it brings from chemotherapy to death.  One such cancer is vaginal cancer, a rare cancer occurring in the vagina (i.e., the muscular tube connecting the outer gen...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Eye Health in Diabetes

Maintaining Eye Health with Diabetes - Healthpointe Corona Diabetes has its share of challenges among them the risk of blindness in one or both eyes.  Said risk is probably one of the most dreaded complications of the medical condition mainly beca...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Heart Disease In America

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both women and men. Each year, approximately 715,000 Americans have a heart attack, and about 600,000 people die from heart disease in the United States each year. Heart disease refers to several type...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

What is the Norovirus?

The norovirus, or sometimes commonly known as “food poisoning” or “stomach flu”, is a very contagious virus. Some of the common ways in which you can get the norovirus include coming into contact with an infected person, ingesting contaminated food...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Know your Ankle Fractures

"Did you break your leg jumping?" "No, landing." This is a popular joke among parachuters whose risks for fractures to their lower limbs including their ankles are higher than the general population. Or as we say: Jump from an airplane even w...
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