Charley horse pain in the calf of a male jogger. Could be muscle cramp!

What are Charley Horses?

This is a question that I was pondering one day while experiencing agonizing pain in my calf area.  Oh, I remember that experience like it was yesterday… It was a dark, gloomy night – I was lying in bed, dreaming about an alternate reality when...
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Oh My Tendon!

What are tendons? Tendons are flexible yet strong collagen tissues that attach the muscles to the bones. Moreover, a tendon acts as a bridge between the muscle and bone. The bridge-like connection allows the tendons to transmit and regulate forc...
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What is Sports Medicine?

Ever heard of the term ‘sports medicine,’ but had no idea what it meant? Have no fear, Healthpointe is here to help you understand sports medicine and all that it has to offer! The following is a summary of sports medicine, whom it’s for, and wh...
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Best Chairs for Back Pain

Is your old, rickety chair starting to become a royal pain in the you-know-what? No worries! Take advice from the following guide to chairs designed for back pain relief, and you’ll be reigning over your land (or living room) in no time! TheHea...
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Fast Facts About Hernia Repair

What are hernias? Hernias are protrusion of an organ or tissue. Usually the hernia is produced by a slip of the intestine into the abdominal wall. Thus, the hernia is created and causes a bulge that may be seen or felt. What are the types of...
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