Healthpointe is proud to announce completion of it's 2019 Holiday Donation Drive!

Healthpointe Holiday Drive Raises Donations for Survivors of Domestic Abuse

A Group Effort and Holiday Success! Healthpointe is proud to announce completion of yet another successful holiday donation drive! From November 4th through November 22nd, Healthpointe's 11 locations came together to collect a myriad of non-perish...
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rain running for the adventurous athlete

Rain Running for the Adventurous Athlete

If you’re a Southern California native, the idea of a rainy season may seem peculiar, or even off-putting, compared to the bright and sunny weather that you are likely accustomed to. While there are certain precautions that should be taken while be...
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tattoo father

Tattoo Health and You: Pro-activity and Risk Prevention

Tattoo artistry has existed and has been culturally-relevant for centuries – from hand-carved and colorful Tebori tattoos that have been applied for over two millennia in Japan, to traditional poke–and-stitch tattoos that have been rites of passage...
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world mental health day

World Mental Health Day: Let’s Talk About #MentalHealth

A Short Introduction to PTSD, Depression, BPAD, and OCD Today is October 10th, which means that it’s also World Mental Health Day! The World Health Organization recognizes the importance of mental health on this day as a way to raise awareness...
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