Warehouse Safety

Warehouse Safety

Warehouse Safety is an incredibly serious topic. It is imperative for all employers to make sure that their employees are keeping up with OSHA guidelines, and that they are maintaining a positive, healthy work environment. In turn, it is the employees’ responsibility to follow said OSHA guidelines, and to report any potential hazards to their supervisors ASAP. There are intense risks associated with hard, manual labor, and it is the employers’ responsibility to take care of their employees’ health, and to make sure that the people they hire are ready to represent their company safely and efficiently.

It’s important for both employers and employees to regularly assess the safety of their workplace. You can’t stay satisfied with your workplace’s conditions just because no one has been injured yet. It is the responsibility of the employer to double-check the employees’ understanding of workplace safety.

If you or someone you work with has suffered from a workplace related injury, you need to report it to whoever is responsible for workplace injuries on your worksite.

Here are some tips and mindsets for both employers and employees, which can help maintain warehouse safety for all parties involved–

For Employers:

  • Supply all applicable safety gear and tools to your employees.
  • Maintain a positive, non-toxic work environment so employees can feel safe bringing up any potential issues.
  • Make sure your workplace has provided adequate safety training. Stay current on new safety protocols and emergency procedures in case of natural or workplace oriented disasters.
  • Find out if everyone knows where first aid kits and fire extinguishers are located. Make sure someone who is trained in first aid is on duty at all times.
  • Check to see if all workers have been provided with resources that contain all the safety information they need.
  • Identify any potential biohazards that could make you and your employees sick.
  • Make sure you provide all tools needed to perform the job, and make sure everyone on the work site is trained to use them safely. If your workplace utilizes forklifts, wheelbarrows, or other large, cumbersome pieces of equipment, make sure everyone with the clearance to use them has been trained fully.
  • Make sure your employees know that you value their safety and health over efficiency and profit, and that they should as well. A lawsuit can be disastrous, and may upend your business entirely.


For Employees:

  • Wear all applicable safety gear.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Look for any spills on the floor, and clear your workplace of all clutter. Keep all emergency exits clear.
  • Label hazardous areas with proper signs.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Maintain proper posture.
  • Ensure that your ladders are always steady and secure. Never use improvised ladders made of other items.
  • Don’t skip breaks. You may make mistakes on the job you otherwise wouldn’t have if you gave yourself time to breathe and relax.
  • Never prioritize workplace efficiency over your own health. An injury is a nightmare on a personal level for workers, and can disrupt total workflow. Your health is more important than a company’s money.
  • Make sure to consistently work with your workplace supervisor to make sure they are upholding their responsibilities. If you still have concerns about the risks associated with your job, ask your supervisor to meet with a safety expert.
  • During any potential disasters, follow all procedures present in the workplace. If you are concerned, contact your supervisor before anything of this nature occurs.
  • Avoid shortcuts. Rushing through things to save time may contribute to greater systemic failures within the workplace, which may endanger yourself and others.
  • Report unsafe work conditions to your . If they don’t take heed, it may be time to contact OSHA or the Better Business Bureau.


Employees should never be in a position to perform unsafe activities. A job is replaceable; A body part is not. No job is worth physical harm.


If you or someone you love continues to suffer from pain that’s the result of an already processed workplace comp injury, please visit one of our offices. Healthpointe specializes in this kind of healthcare, and we have an extensive roster of board certified physicians who are well suited to help with pain management. Our team can help assist you with prevention and treatment of a variety of ailments. Fill out this form to set up an appointment today.

We are also now offer texting services! Give us a call or text us to schedule an appointment today at (714) 367-5390.

We have locations in and near Anaheim, Colton, Corona, Garden Grove, Irwindale, La Mirada, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Ontario, Perris, and Temecula.

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