Healthpointe Medical Southern California

What is the Norovirus?

The norovirus, or sometimes commonly known as “food poisoning” or “stomach flu”, is a very contagious virus. Some of the common ways in which you can get the norovirus include coming into contact with an infected person, ingesting contaminated food...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Know your Ankle Fractures

"Did you break your leg jumping?" "No, landing." This is a popular joke among parachuters whose risks for fractures to their lower limbs including their ankles are higher than the general population. Or as we say: Jump from an airplane even w...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Common Myths about the Flu

Myth: A flu vaccine can you give the flu. Fact: The flu vaccine cannot cause the flu illness. The viruses in the vaccine are either killed (flu shot) or weakened (nasal spray vaccine), which means that they cannot cause an infection. Myth: The...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

Traveling During Flu Season

As you are making travel plans, it is important to consider that your risk for exposure to the flu depends on your travel destination and time of the year. One must take proper precautions when traveling during flu season. The flu season can start...
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Healthpointe Medical Southern California

The Flu and Your Children

The Flu and Your Children The flu is more dangerous than the common cold for your children. Each year, many children get sick with seasonal flu, which can lead to further complications. It is estimated that an average of 20,000 children under th...
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