Kitchen Safety Tips

Kitchens are where culinary careers are born and killed, so to speak. Steam, oil and grease, hot grills and ovens, sharp knives and objects, exposed wires, and poorly-maintained equipment are just a few of the dangers in commercial kitchens. Kitche...
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How Doctors Treat Headaches

The effective treatment of headaches partly rests on its definitive diagnosis. Your doctor at any of the Healthpointe clinics, such as the one in Los Angeles, will use the following three diagnostic tools to determine the type of headache in your c...
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Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, is a dreaded diagnosis for middle-aged and elderly people because of its impact on their quality of life in general and mobility. The pain usually affects weight-bearing joints, such as the hips, back,...
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