About Kristin Minasian

Kristin is a content writer and medical reviewer for Healthpointe, where she creates pretty much anything – from press releases on new doctors to blog articles on the link between rock and roll and your health. When she is not punching keys at her computer, you can most certainly find her playing them at her piano! For more of Kristin, check out her articles on the Healthpointe blog.

Finger Fractures and Hand Pain

Sometimes, fractures to the smallest bones result in the biggest pain, both in the literal and figurative sense. Such is the case with fractures to the fingers, which can cause extreme hand pain. When your finger becomes fractured, your entire h...
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Hip Injuries in Tennis

Before the advent of sophisticated surgery for hip inuries, very few tennis players made a successful professional comeback after suffering from a hip injury. The extent of the hip injury coupled with the post-operative complications made it challe...
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Massages Tips for Headaches

Massage has been proven to ease the pain associated with headaches because it improves blood circulation to the area. When applied in the right manner, it can also lessen feelings of stress and anxiety, both of which are causes of headaches. As suc...
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