About Kristin Minasian

Kristin is a content writer and medical reviewer for Healthpointe, where she creates pretty much anything – from press releases on new doctors to blog articles on the link between rock and roll and your health. When she is not punching keys at her computer, you can most certainly find her playing them at her piano! For more of Kristin, check out her articles on the Healthpointe blog.

Athletes and Shoulder Pain

Among athletes, overhand throwing motions place very high stress on the shoulders, particularly on the parts that keep them stable. With repeated throwing motions, the risks for a wide range of overuse injuries increase until such time that surgery...
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A Broken Nose is No Laughing Matter

While society may find many Hollywood celebrities with crooked noses as endearing – Luke Wilson is a good example – breaking your nose is no laughing matter, according to ENT specialists. This is true regardless of the reason for the nasal fracture...
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