General Sports Physicals

General Sports Physicals

What is a Sports Physical?

Individuals interested in participating in a scholastic/professional sports team are required to undergo a pre-participation physical examination, also known as a General Sports Physical. A sports physical is conducted to determine if an individual is medically cleared to participate in any particular sport or school activity.

General Sport physicals are comprised of two main sections: the medical history and physical examination.  The medical history section consists of questions about your medical history, such as prior illnesses, medications, surgeries and injuries. For the physical examination, the examiner will record the patient’s height, weight, blood pressure and examine the bodily functions to inspect if there are any problems that may deter a person from playing sports.

Who does it benefit?

Healthpointe can help athletes discover potential health problems that may interfere with their sport, and predispose them to new injuries. Our sports physicals are performed by well-trained sports medicine specialists who will also educate athletes on risk factors that are linked to specific sports and instruct them on ways to prevent injuries, such as stretching and strengthening exercises.

When can I take it?

General Sport physicals should normally be conducted before the start of the sport season, and requirements of sport physicals may vary depending on the sport. Be sure to contact your sports program administrator regarding all the necessary requirements to participate in the sport.

Sports Physicals in Orange County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County and Los Angeles County:

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